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Thompsons understand the value of the breeding gilt and her vital role in whole herd productivity.
Effectively feeding your replacement stock is an efficient investment in your enterprise.


Our Gilt Rearing Diets are expertly balanced to provide optimum nutrition for a lifetime of performance and profitability. 



The right nutrition throughout the dry period is essential to achieve optimal reproductive and piglet performance as well as supporting the sow into future lactations to maximise lifetime productivity.

Our specialist range of Dry Sow diets are nutritionally balanced to support sows during gestation and to aid foetal development and growth. 



Thompsons recognise the importance of sow performance on herd profitability. During lactation, maximising milk quality and production is key for piglet vitality.  Maintaining sow condition is essential for optimal reproductive performance and longevity.

Due to the demands of the modern genotype, providing the optimal nutrition is crucial to ensure the potential of the hyperprolific sow is met. Our Lactation diets are carefully formulated to provide targeted nutrition to meet the needs of the sow and her piglets.  


Feeding an excellent diet post weaning is key to ensuring maximum feed efficiency and performance throughout the lifetime of the pig.

Our expertly formulated Link and Weaner diets are designed for precisely this; to help support the pig post weaning by promoting good gut health and maximising growth rates.

Our Link and Weaner diets are intended to be fed at weight ranges from 8kg-30kg, moving pigs through to the grower stage.  All diets have a minimum barley inclusion to aid good gut development and are fully acidified to lower digestive pH. 

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Thompsons understand that optimising feed conversion is essential for farm profitability and economic sustainability.  However, we recognise that not all systems are the same.  Therefore, we have several options that are designed to support the producer and achieve consistency for buyers and pork processors.

The modern genotype requires diets designed to meet genetic potential and enhance performance. Our expertly balanced grower diets are specifically formulated to provide the correct nutrition to facilitate excellent growth rates and allow the pig to meet its potential. 

Factors including genetic leanness, environment, feed consumption and carcass characteristics are considered when developing an effective feeding programme to take pigs through this grower stage.


Once reaching the finishing stage, the pig is at an extreme rate of growth, therefore it is crucial to ensure the correct nutrition is provided to meet genetic potential. It is important during this stage to achieve the best possible feed conversion to optimise lean tissue growth and limit undesired fat deposition - regardless of system type.

Our Feed Specialists analyse many factors to establish an optimal feeding programme. This enables pigs to be finished efficiently with consistency for buyers and pork processors. 

Our extensive range of Finisher diets contain high quality raw materials, formulated into a highly palatable and nutritious feed to optimise intakes to deliver profitable results.  Expertly balanced energy and amino acid levels enable fast, yet efficient growth. 

All diets include: 

  • Cereals and hi-pro soya 

  • Xylanase and phytase to aid nutrient release from cereal

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